lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

42.- DICIEMBRE 2015 (2)

(Viene de la entrada anterior, la 41)
             De momento hoy lo que voy a compartir es un texto en inglés que escribí hace unos días a raíz de que una amiga colgó en mi muro de Facebook una película, El Sacrificio, de uno de sus directores favoritos Andrei Tarkovski. También voy a poner algunas fotos y un par de breves vídeos, como el 99% de las veces realizados por mí. Espero que te gusten. 

            "Dear friend, I've just watched the movie, I had to do it in three times, three days... I understand it's sophisticated, or elegant, or something like that, but for me it's sad, it's dark, slow, mad... poor tree burned at the end... The old man, Alexander, could be him, and the rest his family... I am the maid, the witch, the good witch... The only time I've felt gravitating, better "floating" -like in the film-, while making love (it was not fucking on my side) was with him... in a place similar to the one in the film, just similar, more beautiful because it's Andalucia (I love the place where I was born and then the rest of the world), but the cold Andalucia not the hot one which is the one I prefer... We felt that sensation more than once (we are free of not believe him as we know him) and I was afraid every time not because the novelty (novelty?, new sensation) but because it was in a place that seemed it was to collapse and we with it... I gave him the news about Mitón, my little dog... our vibrations are not good even if we try... He continues chatting with a woman whom I blocked because I did not feel well about her, I advised her about him and she ignored me, she reminds me those women who painted something like "we want a son of you" in the house's main door of a singer who killed his wife, by the way, they were French... I'll try not to answer him if he get in touch although I don't think it's his intention, and probably it`s the best option... The other one is his wife first because she has money and then because she does everything he wants... I would not do that even to him (to any man, I did it once, to Rober but even in this case it was not with that disgusting submmision...). My man has to share the housework, has to cook, has to clean... or I'll do that work if he pays my rent or my food... We have to share, I am not a slave and I do not need servants... To share, share, share... To share or not to share, that is the question. Some days ago I watched a film about Modigliani (so handsome Andy Garcia!), I left it in my wall of Facebook, I like it very much, it is sad but beautiful and, allow me to say it, more modern than The sacrifice, more modern or something like that, sorry about not being precise, I am not an intellectual, I am very simple, I am an ignorant... Animals can not read books but they read the air... I hope you share other films with me or whatever you wish (but always with good intention, I know we are with this good vibration for each other these days, I have thought maybe we had to meet him to meet each other... Well there are other good things (1 or 2) I have experienced with him although they do not compensate the pity... Fascism doesn not compensate anything...). I am interested in watching Nostalgia, and The Sacrifice reminded me Theodoros Angelopoulos' films, well at least the only one I watched "La mirada de Ulises"... Well, love, I hope you are really well, and if you know any magic thing to attract my work as a teacher these days or at the begining of January (I can not wait longer) and not only to work one month but the rest of the year, and next course and so on... and thus be independent for the rest of my life... a long and a nice and a happy life, please do it or tell me... Of course if I have to become a best seller writer I will appreciate it too (a kind of Banksy of literature, please). A big hug XOXO :)"

             Posteriormente dicha amiga quiso hablar conmigo por Skype sobre vudú y me pidió que cogiera tierra, la mezclara con agua y la echara sobre un papel a ver qué podía contarme sobre lo que surgiera...


            Ayer, como dije en la entrada anterior que iba a hacer, quedé a las 5 con mi amiga Toñi frente a hacienda. Mientras la esperaba unos minutillos realicé la foto que ves. En Facebook y en Google la he compartido diciendo que no seré del todo feliz mientras haya gente viviendo así. Ahora me da también por copiar un pequeño texto que surgió a raíz de ver unas fotos, que encuentras en mi muro, de la España de 1951 realizadas por W. Eugene Smith, dice así:                "Esos maravillosos años para los fascistas 
Emoticono cry GRRRRRRRRRRRR cuyos herederos, algunos hoy en el gobierno, están haciendo lo posible por vernos a más de la mitad como entonces: en alpargatas, descalzos, remendados una y otra vez, envejecidos por el hambre, por la miseria, desdentados... Son esos que, muerto por fin el dictador, llevaban a sus hijos a la catequesis, bueno, vamos a creer que algunos solo eran ignorantes pero los más venenosos lo hacían durante años y años, así vieran enloquecer a sus hijitos... Son los que hoy, yendo de demócratas, siguen justificándose con eso de que todo el mundo lo hacía y se sienten orgullosos de haber criado a cínicos psicópatas... No hice la comunión, probablemente encuentre a poca gente de mi edad así"  
     Mi amiga Toñi y yo comenzamos a pasear y le propuse hacer algo que para ella hubiera sido su primera vez: subir a la terraza del Málaga Palacio pero no nos dejaron... Desde la puerta hice esta foto de esa noria que no va a estar ahí para siempre.
Aquí la tenemos más feliz que una libre perdiz con mi 4ª novela, LA MAGA...


              Google ha hecho también un vídeo con mis cosillas de este enlace:
             Hoy he compartido 6 brevísimos (y bravísimos) vídeos en Facebook y me dispongo a ponerlos por aquí también. Recomiendo verlos en Youtube si quieres leer la pequeña explicación que doy. 


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